Monthly Archives: April 2011

Maybe I should stop denying…

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By something I heard today, I remembered of this Nip Tuck episode. It’s been a long time since I even thought of that Series. (I suggest subs in Spanish)

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I think I won’t be able to last any longer. Some times I feel I’ve been living a lie for 10 months… a year maybe? or even four? Don’t know what to believe, is this just a bad dream? I … Continue reading

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Good morning sleeplessness

Good morning bad dream… Lost faith in the world… it seems as if there’s no good at all, just good fairy tales.

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Dos pensamientos…

En los momentos difíciles es cuando la vida nos pone realmente a prueba. Es ahí cuando realmente vemos de qué estamos hechos. Si tomamos el camino fácil pero incorrecto, o si podemos ver y tener las fuerzas de hacer lo … Continue reading

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… again…

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I don’t feel like standing up. It’s not the thesis, it would be easier, it’s just you.

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Cleaning away strange creatures

What if ther’s no change? What if it’s all the same? Is ther a way to tell? It just feels far from well… Maybe it’s Morphine’s cousin maybe it’s my cousin. Can anyone tell? Or is it just half the … Continue reading

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