Monthly Archives: November 2011

Guess you decided they were bad ones…

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(Someone special) Solo para aclarar…

… las verdades se hacen evidentes por si mismas. No hay que subestimar a las personas, pues su hemisferio derecho del cerebro es capaz de intuir y ver más allá que lo que el izquierdo. Dicen que un mentiroso cae … Continue reading

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There’s still some space and time in between for you to consider me someone pleasant again…

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Beware with the cost of happiness

Falling down and fast, the bottom gets closer. In the deep darkness, dark creatures ambush. Either eaten or transformed, you’ll end up with them. If you surround with dirt, you’ll end up unclean… or you’ll end up buried. Beware with … Continue reading

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And once again… thank you for biting me!

… shame on me for not learning… shame on me for being so naive.

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If you drink

Even though you don’t need water, you may want it and you’ll appreciate it. Just don’t bite the one who offers you some. And if you do, at least face it, accept it and ask for true forgiveness… only if … Continue reading

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Maybe it’s not that you’re broken. Maybe it’s not because of the other person. Maybe it’s just because you the factors, are not capable of reaching both to that point you desire. Deep inside, there maybe some chemical missing… some … Continue reading

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